Day 1 Summary
MITEY - The Sir John Kirwan Foundation
Mind over Manner - Witness Program:” Building a culture of wellbeing and respect. Theatre for social change. Susan Haldane
Happy School Program - Steve Francis
Guiding Mental Health Education in Schools - Dr Katie Fitzpatrick & Dr Melinda Webber
NZCER Educational resource - Mental Health Education and Hauora -Lesson plans and resources for teachers, especially useful for Yrs 7-11 health education
The Mind Strength Method: Embracing behavioural experiments - Dr Jodie Lowinger
Creating trauma sensitive classrooms to build resilience and foster compassion in the classroom - Brooke Trenwith
Day 2 Summary
Building a relational school culture: Connecting restorative practice and wellbeing.
Fostering resilience in school settings - Wendy Sandifer
Implementation journey of Pause, Breathe, Smile (PBS) mind health program
A toolkit…not a programme! How Sparklers is supporting the wellbeing of the whole classroom - Anna Mowat
Speaker Presentations
Day 1 & 2
Free tools to help with leadership, wellbeing & learning.
Each month engaging learning voices will add a new resource for you to use to help you navigate 2022.