ECE Partnerships
Wise Practice Statements
Wise Practice Statements
Working collaboratively to enhance the transition to kura process for ākonga and their whānau by developing strong partnerships between ECE and kura.
Working collaboratively to enhance the transition to kura process for ākonga and their whānau by developing strong partnerships between ECE and kura.
Since 2019 our Early Learning Centres, Schools and Senior Leadership teams have been collaborating on a set of agreed aspirational statements that guide wise practice during transitions. We have called these our "Wise Practice Statements". Collectively we are working towards meeting these statements by unpacking and building deeper understanding together.
Click here to download the Wise Practice Statements.
Enrolment Procedures
Enrolment Procedures
You can find information about enrolling and transitioning to kura in your hāpori (neighbourhoods) below. Just click on a school to be taken directly to their enrolment page.
You can find information about enrolling and transitioning to kura in your hāpori (neighbourhoods) below. Just click on a school to be taken directly to their enrolment page.